The Protest Succeeds: #heartheİTÜstudents (#İTÜlüyekulakver)

The protest of Istanbul Technical University (ITU) students on social media has been successful. The University Administration removed the obligation to use cameras and microphones in their final exams. The social media campaign launched by students against the violation of personal data protection was carried out under the hashtags # İTÜlüyekulakver (1) and # İTÜmahremiyetistiyor (2). The university administration announced that -before the final exams to start on Monday, June 29th- cameras and microphones will not be used in the exams. İTÜ students continue to struggle under the hashtag # İTÜlüyekulakver for their other demands. ITÜ student clubs supported the protest with their posts on social  media. 

The remaining requests of the students are: 
– to not use Witwiser software for their final examinations,
– transition to pass/fail grading
– added time for examination questions.

(1) # İTÜlüyekulakver: Hear the ITÜ students.
(2) # İTÜmahremiyetistiyor. İTÜ (students) want privacy.