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Pamukkale University Students: This is Inequality #DerslerSonradanİzlensin

As university students started to choose their fall term courses, the demands of students across the Republic of Turkey are mostly related to tuition fees and the hybrid education model.

Pamukkale University students posted their demands on Twitter under the hashtags #paüdeeşitsizlik (1) and #derslersonradanizlensin (2). Students oppose the university administration’s statement that online courses would not be recorded for later follow-up and attendance would be mandatory. Emphasizing that not all students have equal conditions and opportunities, the students demand that the courses be arranged so that they can be followed later.


(1) #paüdeeşitsizlik: There is inequality in Pamukkale University.
(2) #derslersonradanizlensin: Courses should be followed subsequently