New Restrictions On Student Accounts: @komiteler, @OgrenciHaber, @HergelePostasi
Twitter continues to restrict students’ news portals. As we announced before, the Twitter account of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University –Politik Baykuş– and the account of Istanbul University –Hergele Postası– were temporarily restricted. The restrictions were afterwards lifted.
This time Twitter has restricted some other student accounts. One of them, Ögrenci Haber, which announces the problems and demands of students with the motto “The common voice of student youth”, was restricted on August 18, without a valid justification. It was opened to access the next day through the efforts of the account’s administrators.
Other accounts temporarily restricted were:
* “Serüven Dergi” (Adventure Journal), which has alternative academic, scientific, political, cultural-artistic and philosophical content for university students.
* Istanbul University news portal “Hergele Postası” -which has restricted for the second time.
*Twitter account of Gençlik Komiteleri (the Youth Committees)
The students remain active in striving to have the three social media accounts -mentioned above- reopened for access.