Education Is Online, But Tuition Fees Are Rising #YeditepeliHakkınıArıyor*
Face-to-face education was suspended at universities in Turkey due to the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the decision of YÖK (The Higher Education Council), university administrations will themselves choose which educational methods they will use in the new academic year. Yeditepe University Administration announced that education will mostly be online in the fall semester. However, the students reacted to the tuition fees announced afterwards.
There is a price hike instead of a discount
Due to the pandemic, education was held online in the spring term in universities in Turkey. However, when the university administration demanded the full fee from the students, students had trouble paying the full fee and reacted to this situation. The price increases at Yeditepe University administration for the fall term of the new academic year are as follows: 12 thousand Turkish Lira in the medical department, 8 thousand in the architecture and engineering departments, and 7 thousand in the communication, science and literature departments.
The students react: # YeditepeİndirimYap**
Students are trying to make their voices be heard by organizing a social media campaign. Stating that there was no discount in the previous term, the students demand that the prices be discounted in the new term. Using the hashtags #YeditepeİndirimYap and # YeditepeliHakkınıArıyor, students say that the university’s decision is not pro-student.
*#YeditepeliHakkınıArıyor: Yeditepe University students claim their rights.
**# YeditepeİndirimYap: Yeditepe University administration should discount.