Campus as Civic Space
We, at Civic Space Studies Association, have been working since 2018 to support right defenders and create support mechanisms in line with freedoms of expression and the right to assembly.
One of our activities is to collect news on campus events and highlight campus activities that are blocked, cancelled and restricted. In addition, we are providing imprisoned students with legal support. 70.000 students are estimated to be currently imprisoned or detained. A significant number of people who experience on campus violations cannot communicate their needs or reach {a wider audience} (the public) and therefore these experiences are not visible. Many of us cannot make our voices heard. In this context, we decided to work to prevent violations of freedoms of expression and assembly on university campuses.
Campuses and student activism are a part of civic space and we are aiming to make rights’ violations visible in this area. We show solidarity with students who have been exposed to rights violations.
We want to give regular news updates related to rights violations at universities across Turkey and to spearhead the creation of a network for students. In doing so, we are establishing support mechanisms for students who have been subjected to rights violations.
If you have any questions about legal procedures or need training on how to report violations, we can support you. you can contact us at