8th of March on Campus
The earthquake affected millions of people in Turkey. The feminists state that women are facing greater hardships, thus they are trying to be in solidarity with the women victims of the earthquake since the first day of the disaster.
Naturally, the agenda had a huge effect on the upcoming 8th of March. On the 5th of March, feminists organized a demonstration with the slogan “We have an account to call, we have the power to re-establish!” drawing attention to the destroyed cities.
The feminist solidarity on the earthquake made an impact on the campuses. The feminist students wanted to carry the spirit of the 8th of March on campus, but online education was in the way of it. In these calls, the fewness of on-campus demonstrations was easy to notice with only one university.
On the other hand, university clubs and communities started making calls for the 8th of March events other than demonstration. There are still some students who keep the spirit alive. In several universities across the country, there are both online and onsite events taking place for solidarity.