The Seventh Report of the “University in The News” Series is Out Now!
“Visual Content Preference 2021”
In this seventh report of the “University in the News” Series, we examine closely the images in the news we reviewed in the previous six reports. We encountered 230 images repeating in different news. We examined who appears performing which action in the images, the contrasts established in the images, the symbols frequently used, and in addition to these, the texts that surround and support the images.
We scanned the news involving students between January 4 and March 31 on A Haber, Akşam, Yeni Şafak, Takvim, Sabah, Yeni Akit and Akit TV, and applying content and discourse analyzes to these news articles. Unlike the first six report, which we observed the news texts in detail, we focused on the images used in the news in this report.
Author: Beyza Kural
Advisor: Prof. Burak Özçetin
Translater: Özge Karlık