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Millions of Students Are Asking: “Will Universities Be Opened?”

From the first day of the Covid-19 pandemic, university education was suspended for 3 weeks at first and then indefinitely in Turkey. As the new academic year is about to start, it remains uncertain whether universities will be opened or not. 

The Higher Education Council (YÖK) published a report on the subject entitled ” New Normalization Process in the Global Pandemic”. The report stated: “Considering that the pandemic is a dynamic process, it should not be forgotten that the relevant boards of the universities need to plan different programs according to the regional and local course of the pandemic.” The report also explained the aims and goals for the development of distant education.

“Take Precautions, Open The Universities”

The Ministry of National Education (MEB) recently announced that online education in primary schools and high schools will begin on August 31st, and education at schools will begin on September 21st, depending on how the pandemic takes its course.. 

After the announcement, the university students are waiting for a statement from YÖK. The students voice out their demands for the opening of the universities. They are conducting a social media campaign with the hashtag #TedbirleriAlınÜnileriAçın*, and they draw attention to the point that failing to open the universities while normalization policies are followed in other fields would violate their right to education.

Boğaziçi University Administration Stated: “There Will Be Online Education Unless It Is Compulsory.”

While the discussions were still going on, Boğaziçi University sent emails to the students and announced that online education will be provided for preparatory classes in the fall semester and that online education will be continued for students in other classes unless it is a compulsory course (because of the subject matter that they are there in person).

*#TedbirleriAlınÜnileriAçın: Take the measures, open the universities